Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rambam- The Four Elements- Yisodei Hatorah perek 3 halacha 10

After discussing all of the Spheres of the Universe, the Rambam starts to focus on Earth. He says,

ברא האל למטה מגלגל הירח גולם אחד שאינו כגולם הגלגלים. וברא ארבע צורות לגולם זה ואינן כצורת הגלגלים ונקבע כל צורה וצורה במקצת גולם זה. צורה ראשונה צורת האש נתחברה במקצת גולם זה ונהיה משניהן גוף האש. וצורה שניה צורת הרוח נתחברה במקצתו ונהיה משניהן גוף הרוח. וצורה שלישית צורת המים נתחברה במקצתו ונהיה משניהם גוף המים. וצורה רביעית צורת הארץ נתחברה במקצתו ונהיה משניהם גוף הארץ. נמצא למטה מן הרקיע ארבעה גופין מוחלקין זה למעלה מזה וכל אחד ואחד מקיף את שלמטה ממנו מכל רוחותיו כמו גלגל. הגוף הראשון הסמוך לגלגל הירח הוא גוף האש. למטה ממנו גוף הרוח. למטה ממנו גוף המים. למטה ממנו גוף הארץ. ואין ביניהם מקום פנוי בלא גוף כלל:

"Below the Sphere of the moon, G-D created a shapeless mass that is not like any of the other Spheres. He also created four tzuras (forms) that this shapeless mass can manifest itself as. These tzuras are not like any of the other Spheres. Every tzura has a part of this shapeless mass. The first tzura is that of fire, that when the tzura of fire and part of this shapeless mass combine they create the physical manifestation of fire. The second tzura is wind, that when the tzura of wind and part of this shapeless mass combine they create the physical manifestation of wind. The third tzura is water, that when the tzura of water and part of this shapeless mass combine they form the physical manifestation of water. The fourth tzura is earth, that when the tzura of water and part of this shapeless mass combine they form the physical manifestation of earth.

We find that below the heavens there are four different physical manifestations that one is higher than the other (spiritually) and each one encompasses that which is lower than it in every direction, just like the Spheres. The physical manifestation that is closest to the Sphere of the moon is the physical manifestation of Fire. Just below that is the physical manifestation of Wind. Below this is the physical manifestation of Water. Finally, the lowest of all physical manifestations is Earth. There is no free space that is not occupied by one of these physical manifestations."

The Rambam here is describing what his society knew of science at the time. It is interesting to note that he says the Earth is made up of a shapeless mass and these four elements. We now know about the microscopic world and the periodical table of elements. These elements make up Fire, Wind, Water and Earth.

However, I do not think the Rambam is trying to give us a lesson in science, but rather a lesson in the meaning of the Torah. In The Guide for The Perplexed the Rambam explains how the Earth is made up of these four elements and the rest of the Universe is made up of a fifth element. He uses these ideas to explain the Torah and its meaning. However, right now I think the Rambam is trying to point out something much more significant to our every day lives. The point of describing every element is to tell us that man is composed of these elements. There is no worth to any of these elements in and of themselves, but rather through their unity to form man they become very significant. It is this makeup that allows man to have a physical body made of Earth and water, that breathes air and creates heat like fire. If one of these elements were missing then man could not exist. That is the uniqueness of our world, our ability to exist. Showing that it must be a creator that mixed all the right materials for our world to come into existence.

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