Chanukah (Hanukkah)
1a) Translating My Brother-in-law's Chapter on "The Law of Beautifying [the Mitzva] of Ner Chanukah" Part 1
1b) Translating My Brother-in-law's Chapter on "The Law of Beautifying [the Mitzva] of Ner Chanukah" Part 2
1c) Translating My Brother-in-law's Chapter on "The Law of Beautifying [the Mitzva] of Ner Chanukah" Part 3
2) Why is Chanuka (Hanukkah) Eight Days Long?
Elul (Month Before High Holidays)
1) Using Elul To Prepare Ourselves For Spirituality
Pesach (Passover)
1) Connecting Purim to Pesach
2) The Ten Plagues, A Lesson In Repentance
3)Meaning Behind Pesach (Passover)
1) Purim- The Sin of Assimilation
2) Connecting Purim to Pesach
3) Rambam- What Does Megilas Esther Teach Us?
4) Meiri on Purim- Why We Shouldn't Get Drunk
5) Purim is Chazal Telling Us the Future of Judaism
Rosh Hashana
1) Praying To G-D and Shana Tova To All
2) Rosh Hashana- What Is the Goal
Shavuous (Shavuot)
1) Why Shavuous is the Most Important Holiday
2) First Tablets VS the Second Tablets
Succos (Sukkoth)
1) Breaks In Tradition, Rabbinic Authority, and The Reasons For the Commandments
Yom Haatzmaut
1) Hallel On Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
Yom Kippur
1)The Power of Yom Kippur
Tisha Bi'av
1) Past Suffering Versus Current Suffering And Rabbinic Leadership
2) Thoughts On Tisha Bi'av
3) What Makes Tisha Bi'av A Unique Fast Day